After school and Holiday nanny SW18 2 girls 6 and 4 start April/May

After school and holiday nanny required to look after 2 girls aged 6 and 4 years in Wandsworth SW18. Monday to Friday. Starts April/May. 30 to 35 hours a week in term time with a 12 noon start on Wednesday and finishing around 7/7.30pm in the evenings. 55 hours in school holidays 7.30am to 6.30pm. £20 to £21 an hour gross. Annual gross salary between £35K to £41K. No pets. don't need to drive. Must be happy to do family laundry and family cooking. most importantly, MUST be an Italian speaker.

  • AreaWandsworth SW18
  • StartingApril/May
  • HoursSee job description
  • Rate£20 to £21 an hour gross
  • RefSH1303

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